Tag Archives: Hillary clinton


I am surprised at some of the people who say they aren’t voting for either candidate, in November. Some think that it “sends a message” to the government, and some feel that, somehow … it cancels out another vote (note sure about the math with this one) and some say that it will not make a difference.

I think that if you just set there … and you don’t vote … you don’t do anything, but complain in social media or to each other … how do you feel this is actually sending a message to anyone that is really pertinent in government, or that it will lead to change? Frankly, I think you are letting the government off the hook and you are “complying” … not … “sending a message.” If you are actually doing the math, it isn’t staying home that counts … it’s actually voting.

And … YES, votes do count and that is what sends the message to the government. Not a temper tantrum or some kind of misguided sense of “superiority of character and what’s best for this country,” based on doing nothing because … one’s choice of candidate didn’t get nominated.

And, YES … voting WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE … and one that will be seen.

You aren’t just voting for a person. You are voting for open … or … closed borders. You are voting for continued usurpation and overspending of this government … or … stopping usurpation and overspending.

You are voting for a continuing racial division in this country … or … bringing people together, through conversations based on their love for this country, personal respect for each other, and a drive to bring back jobs and better education for all.

You are voting for elevating the risk for terrorism in this country … by bringing more immigrants into this country, who are not properly vetted. Or, you are voting for common sense in the fight against Islamic Radical Terrorism.

You are voting for more gun control, making it more difficult for innocent, law-abiding people to take protect their families … or … the enforcement of the gun laws already on the books and the preservation of our 2nd amendment.

You are voting for who will be the next confirmed Supreme Court Justice (Perhaps as many as three) and future landmark rulings.

You are not just voting for a person. You are voting for what that person will do once in office.

Never has the difference in policies been so different. Never has the sanctity of our Bill of Rights and our U.S. Constitution, our economy, our education, our future … our country … been on the line as it is now.

I may not agree with your choice, but to not vote at all is letting down every man and women who has fought for the very right to vote.

No, simply because you don’t like the candidates who are running … two very different fates are in the hands of the winner in November. And, you will help to seal that fate.

You are NOT just voting for Hillary R. Clinton or Donald J. Trump. You are voting for the Republic of America … or not.


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 Debbie Barth: 7/10/2016 at 6:00 pm EDT
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The more I look at the video footage of the uninformed, Anarchist, Socialist, Bernie/Hillary people who were actually paid to create havoc and stop good people … that stood in line for hours, from seeing and listening to Donald J Trump … the more I just shake my head.

NONE of the Bernie/Hillary people could give a reason for protesting against Trump.

One of the young girls protesting was asked … in between her squeals, sounding similar to what one would hear at a pig farm … to talk about why she didn’t like Trump.  She stood there with a blank expression, and then said …“I don’t want to talk about it.”

 One young man who appeared to have a semblance of intelligence replied, when asked the same question, that his problem with Trump was that Trump did not want Muslims in this country. Trump was against other people’s religions, especially, Islam.

So much for first impressions.  Firstly, Trump said he wanted to put a TEMPORARY ban on REFUGEES fleeing to this country until we could get a hold on who is actually coming into this country. That makes perfectly good sense, since it is some of the Islamic terrorists and terrorist-wannabes that are coming into this country under the guise of poor, mistreated refugees, fleeing from certain death.

And, secondly … the thing about the Islamic faith?  Seriously??  People are getting their heads chopped off … 14 innocent people were slaughtered recently … in the name of Islam.  Islam is not a race … it is a religion (more like a cult, IMHO). While one may be born into a family or the culture of Islam … it is still a faith of choice.  People, well aware of how many innocent people all over the world are being killed in the name of Islam … are choosing to remain, or to become Muslim.

I understand what Mr. Trump means, and quite frankly, I feel the same way.  Anyone who chooses to follow a faith that has a history of violence going back as far as the early 1800’s, in recorded American history … should be scrutinized.  And, I doubt that Mr. Trump has a problem with the Muslims that are passive and wish to simulate into our American culture, respecting our Judeo-Christian and Catholic faith.

He, as do I, have a real problem with those, who claim to be Muslim, blowing up buildings filled with people, chopping off the heads of those who refuse to convert to Islam, and slaughtering a roomful of people who … two weeks before … held a baby shower for the same Islamic terrorist murderers.

And so … the articulate, well-spoken young man … failed to restore my faith in any of the people screaming Bernie! Bernie! Bernie! and ranting about “free speech” (theirs … not anyone who disagrees with them) or Trump Hate (if what I saw out of this crowd was love … I’ll pass.)

If any of these people actually understood how ridiculous and uninformed they sounded and how much they actually looked like “extras from a Walking Dead movie,” if they could understand that the inappropriate and un-American actions they take … now … will adversely affect them in years to come, then, they would stop this crap.

But, I am sure that if you asked any of them about how the public perceived their Anarchist approach to their version of free-speech and their anti-American values, I’m sure the response would simply be … “I just don’t want to talk about it, right now”.


Thank you for reading my blog, today. If you like the vive … please subscribe!

 Debbie Barth: 3/13/2016 at 7:13 pm EST
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